

Now you knew all the time
what the world should know
and although that's no crime
you'll still suffer so

And you know what's wrong
it's like nails in your wrists
 just like Jesus was hep

to the hypocrites

I, all alone

It all leads up to now
it comes down to this
as you lean from the ledge
of the precipice

There's no second chance no second guess

but your countenance shines with assuredness

I, all alone

It takes every ounce of strength I have
to turn my cheek and have it slapped
and keep this wrath and wonder under wraps
As sand drops through the hourglass

the bitter cup has come to pass
the faithful pale, the angels trumpet taps


Now you knew all the time
what the world should know
and although that's no crime
you'll still suffer so

When the fear says stand down
stand up instead

well done is better
than well said

I, all alone


Music and Lyrics ãJason Kramer, 2002