Recording Studio


Recording Studio

September 2002

First Fruits Cover Art

Uptone Studios in Tacoma, Washington.
Uptone Studios - Tacoma, Washington

Jason Kramer smiles for the camera.
Jason Kramer - Guitar/Vocals

Kirt Ottosen smacks the skins.
Kirt Ottosen - Drums

Bryan Hochstrasser thumps the bass.
Bryan R. Hochstrasser - Bass

Adam Prince lays down some leads.
Adam Prince - Lead Guitar

16-track, 1-inch Mastering Tape Machine

Jason singing scratch vocals.
Jason Kramer - Singing scratch vocals

The list of mistakes is long!
Bryan and Jason - Listening for mistakes

Nothing for the drummer to do but wait.
Kirt Ottosen - Killing time

Ask me about "Osama-Bin Laden".
Wes (sound engineer) and his dog Blue

These guys are too cool for words.
Wild Seed - Job Well Done!


I thought I would put together a quick website to document our first experience in the recording studio.

I've made the 10 songs we recorded available in a few different formats to download and/or stream to your computer.  The MP3 file format has the decent sound quality for a compressed file, but if downloading the 128bit files or the High quality files, be sure to 'Right-click' on the file and 'Save as..' to a location on your hard drive.  Otherwise, your browser will try to open it in a window, and my poor little cable modem connection will not be able to feed it to you fast enough!

For those who just want to hear a sample of the songs, I've also made them available in a lower quality MP3 format as well as Real Audio format.  It should be possible to stream the music to your computer, so go ahead and click on the link like normal.


Songs in MP3 Format
128 bit (High Quality)

Angela (3.15 MB) lyrics
Business As Usual (2.13 MB) lyrics
You Are (2.62 MB) lyrics
Next Door Neighbor Girl (2.20 MB) lyrics
Die on Your Feet (2.71 MB) lyrics
Sliver (3.26 MB) lyrics
My Girl, My Gal (1.94 MB) lyrics
Woodwork (2.41 MB) lyrics
Prophet (2.84 MB) lyrics
Just Missed (2.87 MB) lyrics

MP3's Zipped

All 10 Songs (25.7 MB)
Songs 1 - 5 (12.6 MB)
Songs 6 - 10 (13.1 MB)



Streaming Music

In order to have the songs streamed to you, you need to first download and install
WinAmp.  Although, I have discovered that the music may stream to Windows Media Player.

The following links will open up a new window which will allow you play any of the songs

Dialup 32kbps (AOL, Earthlink)
Med 64kbps (ISDN)
High 128kbps (DSL, Cable)


Real Player

If you prefer Real Player, I have provided a couple of bandwidth preferences, depending on your internet connection speed.

Angela low high
Business as Usual low high
You Are low high
Next Door Neighbor Girl low high
Die on Your Feet low high
Sliver low high
My Girl, My Gal low high
Woodwork low high
Prophet low high
Just Missed low high
Please email me with any comments or questions regarding this site.